
MPs criticise Gaza blockade

June 3, 2010 15:42
Glenda Jackson: criticised the Israeli blockade of Gaza in an early day motion

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

More than 60 MPs, including Hampstead and Kilburn MP Glenda Jackson, have signed an early day motion, criticising Israel’s blockade of Gaza.

The EDM, tabled by Birmingham Northfield MP, Richard Burden, chair of the Britain Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group, demands a “prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation” of the flotilla incident and claims that the blockade has “destroyed the economy of Gaza and deepened poverty”.

It also claims that Israel imposes “collective punishment” on the people of Gaza and states its actions are illegal.

It has been signed by 67 MPs including former Lib Dem leader, Sir Menzies Campbell, the Green Party's Caroline Lucas, and Labour's Sir Gerald Kaufman and Karen Buck, who holds Westminster North.