
More rabbis oppose JW3 LGBT events

Three more leading Charedi rabbis have declared their intention to boycott the JW3 centre in London because of its activities supporting LGBT Jews.

February 16, 2018 11:48
New venue JW3

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

Three more leading Charedi rabbis have declared their intention to boycott the JW3 centre in London because of its activities supporting LGBT Jews.

Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, the Gateshead Rav; Rabbi Avrohom Gurwicz, head of the Gateshead Yeshivah; and Dayan Gavriel Krausz, head of the Manchester Beth Din, endorsed a call by the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations for members to distance themselves from JW3 as it “promotes a way of life which is in total contradiction to Orthodox Judaism and halachah”. Dayan Krausz signed in a personal capacity.

Their names appeared on a notice published in the Jewish Tribune, an Orthodox weekly newspaper, alongside a reprint of a letter from November signed by more than 20 London rabbis expressing similar sentiments.

Among the signatories of the letter, was Dayan Abraham David, a member of the Sephardi Beth Din, which licenses Zest, the kosher restaurant at JW3.

He has since explained he agreed to sign it as reflecting “my personal views as rabbi of my community in North West London” and that it had “nothing to do with the S&P Sephardi Community”. He continues to support Zest’s kashrut license.