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Momentum founder Jon Lansman to discuss Jeremy Corbyn and Labour in Israel

The event organisers want to 'engage with Labour and the Israeli occupation'

June 19, 2018 10:10
Jon Lansman
1 min read

The founder of the pro-Jeremy Corbyn Momentum group is to discuss the Labour leader's rise and the current state of the party in Israel.

Jon Lansman will appear at the offices of the left-wing Rosa Luxemburg Institute in Tel Aviv on Thursday to give a talk at the event which is billed as: "Corbyn, Labour, Israel, Palestine".

The event has been organised by the Stand Together movement in Israel, a leftist group of both Jewish and Arab activists that promotes itself as "grounded in Socialist principles, and organizing and mobilizing for peace, equality and social justice".

It said of the event with Mr Lansman: “We aim to engage with the issue of the Labour Party and the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the promise of Corbyn's and Labour's manifesto for Britain, and the tasks that Socialists are faced with - in Britain, Israel and elsewhere - in light of a reality that breeds crises and wars.”