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Miliband sees red over Tory Euro-alliance

When David Miliband read the JC last Friday, he blew a gasket. The cause of his fury was the interview with Michal Kaminski, Polish MEP and leader of the Tories’ new allies in the European Parliament.

October 15, 2009 14:01
The Jewish Leadership Council’s Mick Davis with Polish MEP Michal Kaminski                                    at the Conservative Friends of Israel lunch at last week’s party conference

ByMartin Bright, Martin Bright

3 min read

When David Miliband read the JC last Friday, he blew a gasket.

The cause of his fury was the interview with Michal Kaminski, Polish MEP and leader of the Tories’ new allies in the European Parliament, the European Conservatives and Reformists.

He had read Mr Kaminski’s frank remarks about his refusal to apologise for the notorious massacre of Jews at Jedwabne in July 1941 and his view that he did not judge this atrocity as being on the same scale as other crimes of the Holocaust.

Earlier in the week, Mr Miliband had been reminded of his own Polish-Jewish roots after his brother, Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband was reunited with a long-lost relative during a radio interview in Russia.