Labour has pledged to defend shechita and tackle antisemitism in a series of election policies announced on Tuesday.
Launching a separate manifesto aimed at issues affecting minority communities the day after its main policy document, the party’s Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq Khan said more would be done to support ethnic minorities.
The party said it would review police and Crown Prosecution Service guidance on antisemitic and other hate crimes. It also intends to “challenge social media companies to take more responsibility” over abuse on their sites.
Mr Khan repeated the party’s plans to protect the teaching of modern Hebrew in schools in order to “foster confidence and understanding of our rich cultural history”.
The minority manifesto also included a pledge on religious slaughter.
“We will always be clear in our support for the right to practice one’s religion, including protecting traditions such as the humane practice of shechita and halal,” the document said.
Labour leader Ed Miliband backed the plans at an event in Leicester, saying the “scourge of antisemitism” would be tackled “head on”.
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