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Mental health: the key issues we all have to face

December 4, 2014 11:26
Shadow minister Luciana Berger addresses Jami supporters

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

2 min read

Across society and within the Jewish community, invisible illnesses are stigmatised and brushed under the carpet.

While, statistically, everyone probably knows someone experiencing a mental health problem, few are aware of it.

According to Laurie Rackind, Jami's chief executive: "Stigma is still rife and, all too commonly, acts as a barrier to people seeking help. We need to make it acceptable to speak of 'mental illness', and not pander to stigma by only referring to 'mental health'."

People feel afraid to speak out, to tell even their loved ones that they are suffering, because of the discrimination which still exists.