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Jewish Human Rights Watch have adopted some of the measures used by anti-Israel activists, who "don't like to be on the receiving end of their tactics".

April 6, 2017 10:46
JHRW protest.jpg
3 min read

Readers of the Daily Record in Scotland, leafing through their paper over the breakfast table or on their way to work last month, will have turned the page and seen an advert designed to make them sit up and take notice.

“Right now — in Scotland”, the graphic informed readers, “Jewish businesses are being harassed and intimidated”.

The advert called for “volunteer human rights observers” in Aberdeen and Glasgow, to be “trained and equipped to peacefully monitor, record, document and bear witness to Jew hate”. 

It also included a picture of Jew-hate from a different era — a row of Nazis, arms outstretched, preventing Jews from entering the University of Vienna in 1938.