
Medical journal investigates claims over Gaza letters

September 23, 2014 13:28

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

Britain’s leading medical journal has been reported to the industry’s ombudsman over its stance on a series of letters it published about the Gaza conflict.

The Lancet ran an open letter “for the people of Gaza” signed by 24 senior medics in July, condemning Israel’s military action.

The Telegraph reported this week that a number of the letter’s leading signatories had sent private emails which included antisemitic and white supremacist conspiracy theory video clips featuring notorious former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke.

Dr Richard Horton, Lancet editor, published letters in response, but has refused to respond to complaints or withdraw the initial letter it from the journal’s website, the Telegraph said.

He is said to believe the complaints are “irrelevant” and to have claimed the Lancet was the target of a “smear campaign”.

Professor David Katz, a medical adviser to the Board of Deputies, was one of a number of leading figures to complain to the medical ombudsman over the issue.

The Lancet told the JC that the issue was under investigation by its own independent ombudsman and no further comment was possible.