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Married and renting - report reveals the state of Jewish households

A new report delves into Jewish households to reveal how we live now

March 19, 2015 12:44
Fifty-five per cent of Jews are married by the time they reach their early 30s

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

3 min read

British Jewry may be growing poorer with a decline in home ownership and a rise in people renting accommodation, according to a report published this week.

Home ownership among Jews in England and Wales fell from 77 per cent of households to 73 per cent over the past decade. Jews are still more likely to own their homes than the general population, where the figure is 64 per cent.

Over the same period, home renting among Jews increased by nine per cent and those living in overcrowded conditions rose by eight per cent, the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) found.

The figures could indicate "a decline in the average level of wealth in the Jewish population," the report said. A drop in wealth had clear implications for community organisations "dependent on voluntary donations".