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'Mark our heritage in Wales'

Dr Cai Parry-Jones, author of a book on Wales’s Jewish communities has suggested that an unused synagogue could be used as a museum or heritage centre

December 28, 2017 10:14
Merthyr synagogue (Wikimedia Commons)

ByRosa Doherty, Rosa Doherty

1 min read

Dr Cai Parry-Jones, author of a book on Wales’s Jewish communities, said the country lacked a permanent building dedicated to its Jewish history.

He suggested that an unused synagogue — the oldest in Wales — in Merthyr could be used as a museum or heritage centre.

Speaking to the BBC, Dr Parry-Jones said: “Since devolution, more is being done because Wales is starting to understand and see itself as a multifaith and multicultural country. More could be done.”

The Merthyr synagogue has not been used for worship for years, is for sale, and could be turned into flats.