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Manchester’s Danes mark a wartime miracle

September 12, 2013 17:00
Copenhagen-born Dovid Toron with his sons in the Prestwich shul he set up

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

2 min read

At early-morning prayers on the eve of Rosh Hashanah in 1943, the acting Danish Chief Rabbi Dr Marcus Melchior made a shock announcement.

The Nazis occupying the country were planning to deport the entire Jewish population to concentration camps.

But the deportaton never took place. Nearly all the 8,000 Danish Jews were taken in by their non-Jewish compatriots, hidden from the Gestapo, then evacuated to safety in Sweden.

The rescue is a celebrated moment in the Holocaust, and this month its 70th anniversary will be marked in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus… and Manchester.