
Manchester victory over boycotters

November 14, 2013 22:33

ByCharlotte Oliver, Charlotte Oliver

1 min read

Manchester University Jewish Society defeated a motion at the students’ union last week, which called on the university to end its partnership plans with Israel’s Technion Institute.

The Students’ Union Assembly gathered 17 randomly selected students to vote on the motion, which protested against an agreement signed in August between the university and the Haifa-based institute.

The partnership was forged to promote the funding of joint projects to boost stem-cell and cancer research.

Manchester JSoc campaigned against the motion amid concern that it would bolster anti-Zionist support on campus.

The debate attracted a large turnout of JSoc members who argued against the motion, leading to a jury vote of 14 against the boycott, and three in favour.

JSoc campaigns officer Emanuel Boccia said: “We’re relieved the motion didn’t pass, and proud of our efforts and that members of the Jewish Society came to support us.”