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LSE speaker likens Zionists to US white supremacist

Rutgers Associate Professor Noura Erakat also described Israel as 'a regime of Jewish supremacy'

December 17, 2021 18:39
2 min read

A Palestinian-American academic speaking at the London School of Economics compared Zionists to the white supremacist Richard Spencer.

Speaking at an online lecture held on Monday to discuss “the apartheid of our time”, Noura Erakat, associate law professor at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, said that while “all states” practise racism, “Israel was among a minority that defined itself upon that basis”.

The academic added: “Richard Spencer says that he wants to follow the model of Israel in order, you know, for the future of European sovereignty so that you know the US can be declared a white state.”

Mr Spencer, whom the Southern Poverty Law Centre describes as “a radical white separatist”, referred to himself as a “white Zionist” in 2017 and said Jews and Israelis should “respect someone like me”.