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Louise Ellman ‘appalled’ by claim she was not forced out of Labour due to antisemitism

Former MP responds angrily to statement from her successor in the Liverpool Riverside seat

July 12, 2021 16:21
Louise Ellman - UK Parliament official portraits 2017
1 min read

Former MP Dame Louise Ellman has responded furiously after her successor in the Liverpool Riverside seat claimed the Jewish ex-parliamentarian was not forced out of the Labour Party by antisemitism. 

Dame Louise resigned from Labour in October 2019 following multiple incidents of anti-Jewish racism within her constituency branch and the party more broadly.

In an interview on the BBC’s North West Politics programme on Sunday, the current MP for Liverpool Riverside, Kim Johnson, said: “Louise Ellman was not forced out – she took a decision to resign for the party after 22 years as a Labour MP.”

Ms Johnson’s remark came in response to a comment made by the Conservative MP Chris Green, who spoke about “the clearing out of Louise Ellman and other Jewish Labour members”.