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Lord Polak recalls Purim story as peers vote for genocide amendment

The Conservative peer uses Purim reference as he backs Lord Alton's amendement to pressure China over Uyghurs

February 23, 2021 17:42
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2 min read

The Conservative peer Lord Polak has referenced the festival of Purim during a House of Lords debate on the amendment to a Trade Bill aimed at putting pressure on China over the persecution of the Uyghur Muslims.

In a speech in support of the Genocide Amendment on Tuesday, the Conservative Friends of Israel group’s honorary president recalled how 2,000 years ago Esther’s “bravery” thwarted an “attempt to slaughter all the Jews” in the Persia.

Lord Polak added: “My Lords, it is in our DNA to call out injustice and fight for freedom. The Uyghurs are calling out for justice and fighting for freedom.

“Lord Alton has worked tirelessly to make sure we are seen to be doing the right thing, and my Lords, I am honoured and privileged to support him once again.”