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London-based group launches Jewish rival to Netflix promises to be ‘Chicken soup for the eyes’

December 3, 2020 13:25
Mia Farrow and Jordan Gelber in Dark Horse, which will be available on

BySimon Rocker, simon rocker

1 min read

A London-based group has launched a Jewish film and TV streaming service in the USA,, aiming to match the success of Netflix and other providers.

Promising “chicken soup for the eyes”, the venture was founded by former Reuters producer Jeremy Wootliff, who is well-known here for his videos for Jewish charities.

“We are launching in the USA initially only due to limited funds and the large size of the addressable audience,” he said.

But as soon as sponsorship and revenue allows, he added, “we will be in the UK, Israel and elsewhere. The aim is to be a global go-to place for all your movies and TV programmes of interest to Jews.”