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Limmud preserves history of Sephardi Jews

Sephardi and Mizrachi culture is given a spotlight at this year's Limmud festival

December 20, 2018 10:39
Bevis Marks, the spiritual home of Britain's Sephardi community

BySimon Rocker, simon rocker

2 min read

You may not be inclined to take a trip to Libya or Yemen. For obvious reasons: these countries which once had flourishing Jewish communities are too risky to include on the Jewish tour map.

But you can learn something about them through Diarna, an innovative online resource set up to preserve the history and stories of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa before it is too late.

Its co-founder, Jason Guberman, is a guest at Limmud as part of an effort to highlight Sephardi and Mizrachi culture at this year’s festival. Rather than being boxed into a self-contained track, it has been threaded throughout the different strands of the programme.

The subject is close to the heart of Elliot Jebreel, the festival’s joint programming chair, whose parents and elder sister were born in Iran before the family moved to Manchester.