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Life-saving gene-testing programme launched in the Jewish community

Anyone in England with at least one Jewish grandparent is eligible for BRCA testing

January 31, 2024 23:18
BRCA 1 carrier Adam Cramer with daughters Yasmine (far left) and Isabella, who have signed up to have a BRCA test
BRCA 1 carrier Adam Cramer with daughters Yasmine (far left) and Isabella, who have signed up to have a BRCA test (Photo: Adam Cramer)

ByGaby Wine, Gaby Wine

6 min read

A ground-breaking genetic testing programme was launched this week, which will identify thousands more people with Jewish ancestry who are at risk from certain types of cancer.

The NHS Jewish BRCA Testing Programme will enable anyone with one Jewish grandparent to take a simple saliva test to find out if they carry the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 mutation, which are more likely to cause breast, ovarian and, in the case of BRCA 2, prostate cancer.

The national roll-out will see around 30,000 people tested over the next two years.

Until now, anyone wanting to be tested for the mutation was required to show a strong family history of cancer. Experts predict that the new programme will identify 150 per cent more carriers of the faulty BRCA gene and enable them to have early access to surveillance and prevention services.