
Liberal Judaism's Rabbi David Goldberg dies

Rabbi Goldberg was awarded an OBE in 2004 for services to interfaith work

May 1, 2019 08:47
Rabbi David G.jpg
1 min read

David Goldberg, emeritus rabbi of London's Liberal Jewish Synagogue, has died.

The movement's senior rabbi, Danny Rich, paid tribute to Rabbi Goldberg, who died on Wednesday morning.

“I’ve been seeing him regularly for the past few weeks,” Rabbi Rich said.

“He faced his death with the utmost integrity and no self-pity. He loved those around him especially Carole his wife.”

Rabbi Goldberg, was former chairman of the Rabbinic Conference of the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues, and co-chairman of the London Society of Jews and Christians.

As an author he contributed regularly on Jewish and Israeli topics writing for The Times, The Independent, The Observer and many other major newspapers and journals.

Rabbi Goldberg, who was born in London's East End served as a congregational rabbi at Liberal Jewish Synagogue in st John's Wood, from 1975 to 2004.

He grew up in Manchester, before study­ing at Oxford and as a rabbi went on to be awarded an OBE in 2004 for services to interfaith work.

Rabbi Goldberg, who was suffering from cancer, was a campaigner for assisted dying.

In 2016, he took part in an interfaith meeting on the subject with Labour MP, Sir Keir Starmer, at Liberal Judaism’s head office, the Montagu Centre.

Rabbi Goldberg was part of Interfaith Leaders for Dignity in Dying, which has more than 50 members and has called for a change in the law that would allow terminally ill, mentally competent, adults the choice of an assisted death.

Sir Keir, who represents the constituency of Holborn and St Pancras – where the Montagu Centre is based – met a number of faith leaders including Rabbi Jonathan Romain of The Movement for Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism’s Rabbi Goldberg.