
Letters to media urge lifting Gaza blockade

June 3, 2010 14:23
Ken Livingstone

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

Adverts urging the government to act in lifting Israel’s blockade of Gaza have been published in several national newspapers.

One appeared in today’s Times asking the government to call an emergency international conference following Israel’s actions in the Gaza flotilla incident.

The advert was published by six pro-Palestinian organisations including Oxfam and Medical Aid for Palestinians.
It states: “With the eyes of the world on Gaza, the government has its first opportunity to make a difference on the international stage ".

In the Guardian, meanwhile, a full-page advertisement, styled as an open letter is addressed to the Prime Minister by Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary general to the Muslim Council of Britain.

It is signed by more that 70 people including former London mayor, Ken Livingstone, Jeremy Dear, general secretary of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Sally Hunt, general secretary of the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU).

It condemns the “unlawful killing of humanitarian workers” and urges the new government “in the name of humanity to provide leadership to end this siege”.