
Laura Marks romps to victory in Board elections

May 20, 2012 17:56
laura marks

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

Mitzvah Day founder Laura Marks became the new senior vice-president of the Board of Deputies, after topping the poll in Sunday's election.

Daily Mail City editor Alex Brummer, vice-chairman of the Board's international division came second, with the third vice-presidential place clinched by Jonathan Arkush, senior V-P in the past triennial.

But sitting vice-president Jerry Lewis lost his seat at the top table; the other unsuccessful candidate was family solicitor Denise Lester.

Ms Marks's success was all the more remarkable since she became a deputy only in January. But she has enjoyed an increasingly high profile as the chair of a Jewish Leadership Council's commission to encourage more women into leadership roles.

She gained 65 first preferences, followed by Mr Brummer, 56: Mr Arkush, 48: Mr Lewis, 36; Ms Lester, 17.

Under the single transferable vote system, that meant that Ms Marks and Mr Brummer were elected on the first round: after second preferences were included, Mr Arkush pipped Mr Lewis by 57 votes to 48.

More than 80 per cent of deputies took part in the ballot.