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Labour whistleblowers say they "could not stay silent"

Statement on behalf of the seven whistleblowers speaks of the “vicious and defamatory attack on our motives and characters"

July 22, 2020 10:46
Some of the whistleblowers outside court
1 min read

One of the seven BBC Panorama whistleblowers has told how the group decided they “could not stay silent when we saw antisemitism permeate all levels of the Labour Party.”

In a statement read outside London’s High Court on Wednesday on behalf of the group, Martha Robinson said it would “take time to repair the damage” on their reputations as a result of the attacks mounted on them by the party after Panorama was aired last July.

Ms Robinson said: “After many years of loyal service, we simply could not stay silent when we saw antisemitism permeate all levels of the Labour Party.

“As staff, we tried our best to tackle this issue but, in the end, we had no choice but to blow the whistle in public and make sworn statements to the EHRC.