
Labour MP apologises for 'silver shekels' tweet

Barry Sheerman regrets offence caused by 'clumsy' remarks, which he has deleted

August 2, 2020 11:18
Mr Sheerman's now-deleted tweets
1 min read

Huddersfield Labour MP Barry Sheerman has apologised for offensive remarks made in tweets relating to the latest House of Lords appointments.

Yesterday morning, Mr Sheerman tweeted: “Apparently there has been a bit of a run on silver shekels!”

Asked by perplexed followers to elaborate, Mr Sheerman went on: “Apparently Richard Desmond & Philip Green were on the original list for seats in the House of Lords!”

The remarks sparked outrage, prompting the MP to delete the tweets and apologise.

“I have fought antisemitism all my political life and have been a Friend of Israel since joining as a student at the LSE,” he wrote. “I am deeply sorry that my clumsy tweet caused offence.”

He also promised to “think more carefully in future and reflect on this”.

A Labour spokesperson said: "Barry has deleted the tweets and apologised. He deeply regrets the offence caused."