Labour’s General Secretary has emailed all local party officials warned them he will “not hestitate to take action” if members are allowed to discuss Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension or the EHRC report at meetings.
Acknowledging the “considerable strength of feeling and the range of views that members will have about the suspension, pending investigation” of the former leader, David Evans cited instructions issued under his predecessor Jennie Formby to warn “it is not competent business for CLPs, branches and any other party units to have discussions about, or pass motions in relation to, any aspect of individual disciplinary cases.”
Mr Evans – who decided to suspend Mr Corbyn over his statement in response to the EHRC report – said it was necessary to prevent discussion of disciplinary cases “to ensure that cases can be investigated and determined confidentially.”
But in a further warning about attempts by hard-left activists to get motions questioning the watchdog’s report into the handling of antisemitism discussed at party meetings, Mr Evans wrote on Thursday: “I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that motions or discussions that seek to question the competence of the EHRC to conduct the investigation in any way, or repudiate or reject the report or any of its recommendations, are not competent business and must be ruled out of order.