BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker
The governors of Kantor King Solomon High in Essex are actively considering relocating the school to north London.
The United Synagogue, KKS's foundation body, has already been exploring the possibility of moving the school as a way to solve the shortage of Jewish secondary places in that part of the capital.
Questions over King Solomon's future have come as the intake of Jewish pupils there has dropped by around a third.
It is understood parents of KKS pupils will be asked their views before any decision is taken about its future.
But one governor, Rabbi Mordechai Wollenberg, who chairs the school's ethos committee, believes any review should be delayed until "12 to 18 months down the line" in order to "give the school a chance".
Speaking on behalf of local rabbis he said he had "made it clear to the United Synagogue and Chief Rabbi that we'd be concerned about the impact of any proposal unless it would preserve the ethos of the school and benefit the local community".
Rabbi Wollenberg, minister of a local US synagogue, Woodford Forest, said he had "a lot of confidence in the headteacher, Matthew Slater, and he has a very good grasp of what a Jewish school should be". He added the governors "genuinely care" about the fate of the school. "They are a good bunch and they are not going to rush into anything".
In an official statement later this week, the governors announced the launch of “a wide-ranging review” of the future of Jewish education in north-east London in association with Partnerships for Jewish Schools.
They stated they “ feel a sharp sense of responsibility, not only for the school as it currently exists, but for the future of secondary educational provision for the Jewish community across north-east London. Naturally, we keep all options for how best to maintain the very highest standards of Jewish education under regular review.They added they wanted “to explore the opportunities for growth within our community as well explore the possibility of working more closely with other communities across London.”
The statement said, “We want to hear from current parents of KKS, prospective parents and the parents of north-east London who choose to send their children to other Jewish schools or to non-Jewish schools. We want to build as comprehensive a picture as possible of the way the community we serve perceives Jewish education in north-east London and assess its hopes and aspirations for the future."