
Ken Loach could face legal action after attack on Panorama investigation into antisemitism

Mr Loach said the documentary 'disgraced the name of Panorama and exposed the bias endemic within the BBC'

July 21, 2019 10:56
Ken Loach (Photo: AP)
1 min read

Filmmaker Ken Loach may face legal action after calling the BBC Panorama episode on Labour antisemitism a "dishonest hatchet job".

The programme’s reporter John Ware is understood to be speaking to lawyers after Mr Loach, said the programme “disgraced the name of Panorama and exposed the bias endemic within the BBC.”

Mr Loach was behind a motion proposed and passed at a meeting of the Bath Labour Party on Monday after last week's broadcast about whistleblowers' attacking the influence Jeremy Corbyn's allies have assumed over complaints of antisemitism against Labour members.

The motion said: “This was a dishonest hatchet job with potentially undemocratic consequences. It disgraced the name of Panorama and exposed the bias endemic within the BBC.”

It also demanded the BBC broadcast a follow-up of “similar length and prominence” to address their concerns.

Anti-Israel activist Ken Loach, who demanded that Labour MPs who demonstrated against antisemitism in Parliament Square be kicked out of the party, also said 'sinister' music was used in the documentary when Mr Corbyn appeared. 

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Ware has been told that Mr Loach’s comments are an attack his integrity and reputation as a journalist.

It is understood that six whistleblowers featured in the programme have discussed the possibility of pursuing legal action against the party as a result of slurs made against them by Labour after the documentary.

Mr Loach could not be reached for comment.