
Kedassia chair Shloime Sinitsky resigns amid divisions within Charedi community

The JC understands his opponents have tried to portray him as an ally of the Chief Rabbi, who angered section in the Charedi community over LGBT education policy

March 28, 2019 14:46
According to a local blog, Mr Sinitsky's resignation comes amid Charedi divisions over education and a subsequent power struggle
1 min read

Shloime Sinitsky has resigned as the chairman of Kedassia, the kashrus division of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, the umbrella body for strictly Orthodox shuls.

According to the If You Tickle Us blog, which covers the UK Charedi community, Mr Sinitsky’s resignation is the result of divisions within the senior ranks of communal representative bodies.

Rabbi Avraham Pinter, the principal of the Yesodey Hatorah schools and an ally of Mr Sinitsky’s, said he has a “combination of unique qualities” which made him “irreplaceable” as the Kedassia chairman.

Rabbi Pinter added: “I support him one million per cent.”

If You Tickle Us cited divisions over the teaching of relationships and sex in Charedi schools which has “shown up the fault lines in Stamford Hill, of which Sinitsky is collateral damage”.

The JC understands that Mr Sinitsky’s opponents have tried to portray him as an ally of the Chief Rabbi, who angered sections of the Charedi community by saying there was “no contradiction” between Jewish values and Government plans to educate all children on LGBT issues.