
July breaks record for antisemitic hate

September 4, 2014 09:12
1 min read

There were more antisemitic incidents in Britain in July than any other month since records began 20 years ago, the Community Security Trust has confirmed.

The final figures show that 302 incidents were recorded, a rise of more than 400 per cent on the same month last year.

The incidents — at the height of the conflict between Israel and Hamas — were almost as many as for the entire first six months of 2014 combined.

CST communications director Mark Gardner said: “These statistics speak for themselves: a record number of antisemitic incidents, few of them violent, but involving widespread abuse and threats to Jewish organisations, Jews in public places and on social media.”

He said it was “of significant concern” that a high proportion of the offences appeared to come from sections of the Muslim community.

More than half the recorded cases for July involved direct references to the Gaza conflict, and more than 100 referred to the Holocaust.

CST also recorded more than 150 antisemitic incidents in August. That figure — which is yet to be finalised — would make last month the third worst ever.