House of Commons Speaker was speaking after performance of opera of Shoah survivor's dramatic story
January 29, 2019 13:33The House of Commons speaker John Bercow has warned about the resurgence of “bigoted and evil” Holocaust revisionism - specifically referring to David Irving - after a moving performance of an opera about the story of a Shoah survivor.
Push was performed at Parliament's Speaker's House on Monday and tells the life story of Simon Gronowski, who escaped from a train destined for Auschwitz thanks to his mother’s selfless actions.
Speaking after the performance, Mr Bercow said: “Even in our own country... there are sadly people, not just very old people, but very young people, who still labour under the bigoted and evil misapprehension that there was something to be said for antisemitism and the doctrines of Hitler and the notions of the Aryan superior race.
“We need always to be on our guard recognising that... there is also the pseudo respectable attempt to justify this bigotry and hatred by people who frankly ought to know better but don’t.”
Mr Bercow revealed he had welcomed the idea to stage the opera after the Conservative MP for Chichester Gillian Keegan recommended the production - composed by the London Symphony Orchestra’s Howard Moody and performed her local community choirs, schools and the University of Chichester.
The production has toured southern England. Mr Bercow said it was ameans of both “remembering and preventing a repetition of the Holocaust”.
Mr Bercow then added: "We know that horrendously there has been a resurgence of antisemitism and racism across Europe and indeed around the world in recent times.
“And we cannot feel certain that that scourge, the bestial hatred, will be gone. There are really in that sense no final victories.
“You have, if possible to avoid bitterness and resentment but never to forget.
“We know the incidents of violence against members of the British Jewish community, members of the Jewish community across Europe and around the world.
“And we know that is a phenomenon too afflicting members of many other ethnic minorities around the world.”
Mr Bercow referred to the “utterly discredited revisionist" Mr Irving and praised the work of the “renowned academic and historian" Prof Deborah Lipstadt whose victory in Mr Irving's libel case against her exposed his ideas as “utterly fraudulent”.
Mr Gronowski told the audience of around 150 guests - including the Conservative Lord Polak and Labour MP Joan Ryan - how the Nazis murdered his mother and sister in Auschwitz.
But he added: “I speak about what happened to me so that will protect freedom in your country.
“I want to know that the most important words are 'peace' and 'friendship'.
Describing the opera as “fantastic and emotional”, Mr Gronowski praised its authenticity.
The title Push refers to the moment his mother pushed him from the Auschwitz-bound train after Belgian resistance members brought it to a near halt after clashing with German guards.
Of the 233 people who tried to escape the train, 26 were shot, while another 89 were recaptured. Mr Gronowski was one of 118 who escaped, aged just 11.
Despite the horrendous effect of Nazi persecution on his own family he told the audience on Monday had not grown up feeling “hatred” although he revealed that he frequently shed tears over the past.
Ms Keegan told the JC: “This is the second time I have watched the Push opera and it was just as moving.
“Having it performed in Parliament was a wonderful way to remember those who died but also those who survived one of the darkest times in human history, so it was such a huge privilege to have Simon attend.
“I hope the performance has put a spotlight on the dangers of discrimination, especially with antisemitism becoming more prevalent across Europe and here at home.
"It was also humbling to have Chichester’s talented contribution to mark Holocaust Memorial Day recognised in Westminster.”