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JNF: Projects bloom in desert sand

July 2, 2009 11:34
jnf plalnting

ByJenni Frazer, Jenni Frazer

4 min read

As far as the eye can see, there is sand. Somewhere over the horizon to the south west, there is Egypt; Gaza is close by, too. But one can see no landmarks, no signposts.

And then you turn on your heel and you see familiar net-covered structures, signifying Israeli agri-tech. And right here, in the middle of this vast Negev nothingness, a group of people are growing food in the sand.

Halutzit — which you might translate as “Pioneerville” — is a remarkable success story and would be so even if the 160 families living there had come to these sandy wastes from anywhere in Israel. But in fact these organic farmers, who have sold their sand-grown carrots and peppers to Marks & Spencer and Tesco, are on their third upheaval.

Once they lived in the Sinai and were uprooted when Israel signed its peace treaty with Egypt. They relocated to the Gush Khatif bloc of the Gaza Strip until Ariel Sharon ordered all Israeli settlements out of the Strip in August 2005.