ByAnonymous, Anonymous
A year 11 class at JFS have launched a Just Giving page to raise money for Cancer Research UK, after their teacher was diagnosed with cancer for the second time in two years.
Speaking on behalf of his classmates, Saul Westbrook said that they had been moved to raise money to show their former maths teacher Andy Angus "how much he is appreciated".
"We were saddened that his cancer had come back," Saul said. "Although there was nothing we could do about the cancer, we wanted to do something to help people in his situation. The main goal of the page is to show him how much people appreciate his efforts."
The class wrote: "Although Mr Angus was only our teacher, he made sure he knew each of us on a more personal level, therefore we both love and admire him as a teacher and as a person.
"We understand that, unfortunately, Mr Angus is only one of too many people who are affected by cancer; however, we want to help both him and everyone in his situation."
The pupils aim to raise £2,000; more than £1,100 has been raised so far.