
Jewish Ukip candidate threatens to resign over religious slaughter policy

February 4, 2015 13:38
Ukip's Hendon parliamentary candidate Jeremy Zeid

BySandy Rashty, Sandy Rashty

1 min read

The Ukip candidate standing in one of the UK’s most Jewish constituencies has threatened to resign unless the party reverses its ban on non-stun slaughter.

Jeremy Zeid, who is standing for Ukip in Hendon, north-west London, made the comments after the party announced it would ban non-stun slaughter.

The stance is supported by animal rights groups including the RSPCA and British Veterinary Association.

But Mr Zeid, a member of Kenton United Synagogue, described the announcement as a “monumental mistake”.

He said: “If it’s not reversed, if they insist, if they enforce pre-stunning, I would have to leave [the party]. If there was a ban on shechita and brit milah, I would resign immediately.

“I support shechita, it is moral and probably the most ethical method of slaughter. If I don’t stand up for fellow Jews, who else is going to?”

Mr Zeid said the policy was pushed forward by one member, who did not run it by senior party leaders, including Nigel Farage.

“A lot of us are quite upset. It was a cock-up. One guy just went and did it by himself,” said Mr Zeid.

“The leadership needs to find a way to distance itself from this person.

“I was told to make no comment but I am honest and truthful – you have to be if you are in the public eye.”

He added that a u-turn was imminent: “I think Ukip will come out and say there is no ban on shechita – they have to.”

Mr Zeid, a decorator, believes the announcement came as a “knee-jerk” reaction to news that a halal slaughterhouse in north Yorkshire had its operating licence suspended after cameras filmed alleged mistreatment of animals.

He believes that the party should draw a distinction between kosher and halal meat.

“We have proper inspectors at our kosher slaughter houses. We’ve been slaughtering for hundreds of years, we do it properly and right.

“We need to find a way to detach kosher from halal meat – they’re not the same. Shechita is very quick, it’s the most humane method. The animals don’t see the knives, they’re very calm, it’s all over in two to three seconds.”