
Jewish students tell Jeremy Corbyn: publish report on Oxford antisemitism immediately

July 12, 2016 10:55
Jeremy Corbyn No More War 8

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

Jewish students have called on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to release a full report into antisemitism at the Oxford University Labour Club.

An investigation over Jew-hate at OULC was launched in February after Alex Chalmers, the co-chairman, resigned, claiming a large proportion of members “have some kind of problem with Jews”.

The investigation was chaired by Labour peer Baroness Royall, but the party's National Executive Committee blocked the full publication of her report in May.

A Labour spokeswoman said last week that there were currently no plans to "publish anything further" following the release of Shami Chakrabarti’s wider report into antisemitism in the party.

Current and past Oxford students have signed a letter to Mr Corbyn saying they are “appalled by the failure of the Labour Party” to address the allegations of antisemitism at Oxford.

“Each time a new inquiry was announced, we wanted to believe that the Labour Party was taking antisemitism seriously and that it was a safe space for Jews and Jewish students.

“However, each time the Labour Party has let us down.”

Signatories included Josh Seitler, president of the Union of Jewish Students, Dov Boonin, head of Oxford Jewish Society and Masorti rabbi Roni Tabick.

They warned that in September, “around 8,500 Jewish students will return to campuses across the country.

“Due to the ongoing failure of the Labour leadership to adequately address events this year at OULC, far too many of these Jewish students will make the decision to avoid involvement with their Labour club.”

The UJS, who released a statement with the Oxford J-Soc last week saying it was “imperative” the report was made public, said its students had been repeatedly disappointed by Labour.

There was no mention of the report in the Chakrabarti report - released on June 30 - which the UJS said was “proof that the Labour Party is unwilling to confront the issue of antisemitism within its own ranks.”

A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said that the issue was “a matter for the party and the NEC.”

A Labour Party spokesperson said: "Baroness Jan Royall presented her report to the NEC. The NEC agreed and accepted the report. The recommendations have been published."