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Jewish policeman praised for helping save life of stab victim

PC Saul Glick stopped the blood flowing in back of a police car while colleagues rushed the victim to hospital

June 2, 2021 11:48
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1 min read

A Jewish police officer has been praised along with two colleagues for their quick thinking in saving the life of a stab victim.
PC Saul Glick and officers Mubashar Mirza and Zoheb Zuber were called to the scene of a potential stabbing near Hackney on May 5. 
Once on the scene, a man with a stab wound to the neck climbed into the back of their patrol car, the force said.
PC Glick said he got into the back with the victim and delivered first aid.
“There was so much blood that it was difficult to even find the wound, but I managed to locate it and pack it as best as I could,” he said.
They drove the man to a nearby location where another officer bluelit them to a local hospital. Responding to the incident took just seven minutes, the Met Police said.
“It quickly became apparent that if we didn’t get him to hospital quickly, he might go into shock and die. We didn’t have time to wait for an ambulance as we normally would,” PC Glick said.
PC Glick, who is a member of a shul and of the Jewish Police Association, later told the JC he wouldn’t describe his act as heroic. 
His Jewish background, meanwhile, was a factor in his decision to join the force. “I’m sure being Jewish contributed to me joining the job, although I’m not quite sure how or why.”
He also noted that all of the team had “what one might describe as new English names.”
“I cannot speak for my two colleagues, but I believe we are all proud to be British. We work hard to contribute to a society that accepted and nurtured us. 
“We all had different journeys to becoming police officers and I am sure there are still people who believe we should not be in this role.
“Unfortunately for them, in Britain we are judged by our actions and our character, which is why it is so important that as officers we act without fear or favour.”

Chief Inspector Lora John, from the Roads and Transport Policing Command, said: “As police officers, every day is unpredictable and you never know what you might be called to do next.

“These three officers – as well as Sgt Bright who drove them to hospital – were incredibly quick to spring into action. Their exemplary teamwork no doubt prevented the victim from suffering any long lasting injury and may even have saved his life. They should be very proud of what they did that day, as we all are.”