
Jewish NUS official condemns organisation for delaying Hezbollah vote for months

'Certain people are playing factional politics with issues about keeping antisemitic terrorists off our streets'

June 7, 2018 08:46
Flags at the 2017 Al Quds Day march in London
2 min read

A Jewish National Union of Students vice president has called it "a disgrace" that the organisation refused to vote on an emergency motion to condemn Hezbollah flags being flown in London this weekend.

Izzy Lenga, the NUS’s vice president for welfare, submitted an emergency motion ahead of Al Quds Day on Sunday, when an annual march in the capital will likely see people wave flags of the militant group.

Her motion called on the NUS to state "this terrorist group has absolutely no place on the streets of our capital” and back calls for the government to proscribe both its military and political wings, which would make flying its flag illegal. 

But the NUS’s national executive refused to debate it at its meeting on Thursday - Ms Lenga's last before she steps down - and postponed it to the next meeting in September.

On Twitter, Ms Lenga attacked the decision and said she "could not be more excited" to be leaving the NUS.

“Making sure antisemitic terrorists are kept off of our streets is apparently not enough of an emergency for some of my colleagues,” she added.

“NUS has a proud longstanding history of standing against racism and fascism. Though recently, and especially in this case, it seems like certain people are playing factional politics in NUS with issues about keeping antisemitic terrorists off our streets.”

At Thursday's meeting, which is due to begin at 1pm, Ms Lenga said she will "make it explicitly clear that this is a disgrace" and "call on the movement to condemn the decision for the Hezbollah flags to be flown, that we must always take a stance on terrorists groups marching through our streets".

Liron Velleman, campaigns manager at the Union of Jewish Students, told the JC: “It is a disgrace that members of the National Executive Council of NUS decided not to debate an emergency motion about the banning of the Hezbollah flag on the streets of London.

“Hezbollah is an antisemitic terrorist organisation that should be proscribed in full by the UK Government and certainly should not be paraded through the streets of London.

“A student movement that cares about fighting hatred in all its forms should be standing with those fighting terror, not standing behind procedure.”

A spokesperson for the NUS said:

“The elected clerks of the National Executive Council (NEC) make a decision based on the following: the substance must concern events occurring after the deadline for the submission of ordinary motions, and the work of the National Union of Students (NUS) must be severely impaired if the issue is not discussed. The clerks chose not to accept an emergency motion to the meeting of the NEC on the 7th June based on their belief it did not meet this criteria.”