
Jewish comic nominated for best comedy show at Edinburgh Fringe

Yeshiva-educated American comedian has been nominated at this year's fringe festival

August 23, 2018 11:21
Alex Edelman
1 min read

Jewish comedian Alex Edelman has been nominated for best comedy show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018.

The American comic previously said that his comedy act only works on American Jews in New York. But his nomination for his show Just For Us shows otherwise.

In an interview with the JC, the Yeshiva-educated comic said that he does not do politics but rather tells dumb jokes.

However, in the current political climate, it is impossible to avoid politics completely and his latest show includes jokes about him fancying Obama, meeting Prince William and discussing the Nazis.

Luckily, he has no qualms dealing with provocative issues. In a routine about American summer camp, the Boston-born stand-up refers to it as “the good kind of Jewish camp. The icebreakers at the other kind are way less fun.”

When he appeared on BBC Radio 4, Edelman received antisemitic abuse on Twitter but the 29-year-old comedian is not afraid to mock his Jewish upbringing. His act portrays the hatred that Jews are frequently subjected to.

Alex Edelman: Just for us is at the Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh until August 26.   

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