Two Jewish candidates have been unveiled in the May's European elections on opposite sides of the divide - one for Nigel Farage's Brexit Party and the other for the pro-second referendum Change UK.
As his candidacy was revealed on Tuesday, Brexiteer Lance Forman said “a red line was crossed” when Theresa May invited Jeremy Corbyn – “the Marxist leader of an institutional antisemitic party” – to 10 Downing street for talks on Brexit, “to plot the future of our relationship with Europe, because she couldn’t figure it out for herself.”
Mr Forman, owner of H. Forman and Son, the smoked salmon business empire owned by his family for four generations, called his party leader Mr Farage “formidable”, describing him as having “devoting 25 years of his life… he has done more than anyone in Britain to awaken the spirit of freedom and democracy.”
While the Brexit Party only announced a few of its candidates on Tuesday, Change UK, the party set up by breakaway Labour and Conservative MPs, revealed the full rostra of MEP hopefuls.

They include Karen Newman, vice chair of Liberal Judaism and activist for the Jewish LGBT+ group who is also the representative at the Board of Deputies for The Liberal Jewish synagogue in St John's Wood.
Speaking to the JC, she described how she was "not a big marcher.
“I went on the Enough is Enough march last year, because I thought that was so important about what they were trying to do about antisemitism in the Labour party", she said.
"But the next time I returned to Parliament Square was for the People’s [anti-Brexit] March a few weeks ago.
“Europe is so important for the life of Britain, and it has been quite sickening to watch the Brexit debate become a ridiculous tribal fight between political groups looking only for their own advantage, with nobody actually sitting back and saying what’s best for Britain, and it looks as if Change UK are going to try and do that.”
Both Mr Forman and Ms Newman are candidates to represent London in the European Parliament.