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Jeremy Corbyn's Gaza briefing to Labour MPs accuses IDF of 'war crimes'

One MP brands it 'disgustingly one sided'

June 27, 2018 12:01
Jeremy Corbyn
1 min read

A briefing document sent by Jeremy Corbyn's office to Labour MPs on Gaza accused the IDF of "war crimes" in the recent border violence, the JC has learned.

Despite evidence that Hamas ordered thousands of Gazans to try and breach the border fences with Israel, often using violent methods, Mr Corbyn's briefing accuses the IDF of "wilful killings" and "war crimes" in the violence that has left scores of Palestinians dead and many more injured in recent weeks.

One Labour MP told the JC they found the document, sent to all Labour MPs ahead of a parliamentary debate, "disgustingly one sided."

Another said: "It could have been written by Jeremy's 'friends' in Hamas."