
Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith outline positions on Jewish issues

August 23, 2016 15:02
Jeremy Corbyn (Photo: PA)

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

Jeremy Corbyn has reiterated his support for boycotts of Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

In response to a letter sent by the Board of Deputies to both Labour leadership candidates, the party’s current leader emphasised that he could not fully support the “Ten Commitments” in the Board's Jewish manifesto.

He added that he did not support academic, cultural or blanket boycotts of Israel.

Leadership rival Owen Smith said he was “very happy to sign up to the Ten Commitments”, but Mr Corbyn stressed he could not completely back the sixth proposal.

Read Jeremy Corbyn's letter to the Board of Deputies here

Read Owen Smith's letter to the Board of Deputies here

The point asks candidates to “promote peace projects that unite communities, and resist boycotts that divide communities".

In his letter to the Board, Mr Corbyn wrote: “I am supportive of the 10 commitments.

“However, I would like to ensure my position is clear in relation to point 6. I am not in favour of the academic or cultural boycott of Israel, and I am not in favour of a blanket boycott of Israeli goods.

“I do support targeted boycotts aimed at undermining the existence of illegal settlements in the West Bank.”

At a Labour leadership hustings organised by the JC in July last year, Mr Corbyn suggested he would back a boycott of goods from Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but oppose any academic boycott of the country.

Both Mr Smith and Mr Corbyn wrote that they were concerned by the recent rise of antisemitism in Labour.