
Jeremy Corbyn "adviser" questioned synagogue security in series of offensive tweets

Tim Lezard questioned whether UK taxpayers fund security for synagogues if antisemitism rises "as a result of Israel bombing Gaza"

May 12, 2017 16:06
Tim Lezard, centre right (credit: Twitter, @TolpuddleTim)
1 min read

A Labour source has denied that the man behind a string of antisemitic and anti-Israel tweets has been appointed as an adviser to Jeremy Corbyn. 

Tim Lezard, a journalist and campaigner, was widely reported to have been appointed to work as a trade union adviser to the Labour leader at the party’s headquarters in central London, after the Guido Fawkes website revealed his tweets.

In February 2015, Mr Lezard tweeted: “When antisemitism rises as a result of Israel bombing Gaza, should UK tax-payers fund security for synagogues?”

Mr Lezard also compared Israel to apartheid South Africa, and accused the country of coming up with “ingeniously nasty ways to steal Palestinian land”.

On another occasion, in 2011, he wrote: “I’m thinking of setting up another new campaign group. Either Conservative Friends of Nazis, or Nazi Friends of Israel. Whaddya reckon?”

Mr Lezard also posted a string of tweets mocking the Queen and the British Army.

A Labour source told the JC: "Tim Lezard is not an advisor, either paid or unpaid, and is not and will not be employed on the general election campaign."

An earlier version of this story was posted before the comment from a Labour source.

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