
Twitter campaign for Gilad Shalit

Twitter campaigners launch Tweet4Shalit to raise the profile of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit by using Twitter trending topics

August 24, 2009 10:36
Gilad Shalit: Twitter campaign

ByJessica Elgot, Jessica Elgot

1 min read

A Twitter campaign "Tweet4Shalit" has been launched to mark the 23rd birthday of kidnapped Israeli solider Gilad Shalit.

Organisers, including the Jewish Internet Defence Force, hope that by encouraging enough people to use the #GiladShalit hashtag at the end of every tweet they send on August 26, then Gilad Shalit will become a trending topic on the site.

If #GiladShalit becomes one of the top ten words that Twitters mention on the site, it will become displayed on the Twitter homepage, thus raising awareness of the soldier, who has been held captive by Hamas terrorists since he was 19.

He will turn 23 on Friday August 28.

The Shalit family, including Gilad's sister Hadas who is due to join the IDF on Wednesday, have thrown their support behind the campaign.

David Appletree, founder of the Jewish Internet Defense Force which has been promoting the campaign, said: "When I noticed Melissa Jane Kronfeld, editor of Radical Commentary, tweeting for Gilad Shalit on Twitter, I was inspired by her passion on this issue, and wanted to join forces with her to create a meaningful campaign for the captured IDF soldier.

"We have since coordinated what appears to be the largest internet campaign of its kind for Gilad Shalit."

Join the Twitter campaign for Gilad Shalit