
Twitter brings crowd to funeral of Holocaust survivor with no relatives

June 10, 2015 14:45
1 min read

A Twitter post about the funeral of a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor with no remaining family went viral earlier today, leading to over 100 people attending.

Former banker Rachel Steinmetz tweeted at dawn on June 10, asking her followers to attend the funeral of a 93-year-old woman, who was being flown in from her home in New York to be buried in Israel.

Ms Steinmetz followed up with a post on her Facebook page, giving details on the time and place of the funeral, and commenting: “looks like Hashem wants her to have a proper send-off, 866 people reposted my FB status.”

Within hours, hundreds shared her Facebook post, and responded to her tweet. The funeral took place a mere 13 hours after Ms Steinmetz post, yet her subsequently posted pictures showed that a substantial crowd had gathered to attend the funeral, showcasing both the power of social media and the charitable side of human nature. Ms Steinmetz tweeted: “only in Israel do strangers attend a funeral on no notice on a hot summer day.”