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The gift that reminds a soldier how close he came to death

The Chanukah gift made for Gilad Aviad contains the metal that almost killed him in Gaza

January 8, 2025 11:57
Roni and Gilad 6d2c2767-897f-44a0-861c-2edf2bb11495
Haunting memento: artist Roni Weiss with Gilad Aviad holding the dreidel incorporating the piece of shrapnel that came so close to taking the soldier’s life
3 min read

For Sergeant Gilad Aviad, the inscription in Hebrew, “A great miracle happened here”, on the dreidel he was given at Chanukah carries a deeply personal message. Fixed in the centre of the metal object is the piece of shrapnel that lodged near his heart when he came under mortar fire in Gaza over a year ago and all but killed him.

“He was lying, bleeding terribly, with multiple other injuries,” said the Jerusalem artist who made the dreidel, Roni Weiss. “He said the Shema - he thought his life had ended and he blacked out.”

Weiss, who was born in Copenhagen and raised in Manchester, created the piece after getting a call out of the blue a couple of weeks ago from someone he didn’t know, called Daniel Elkouby.

“He told me he had just come back from Lebanon and he had been lightly injured. He had been in hospital and he was disturbed to see the soldiers coming in every hour and felt he had to do something to help them.