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Stuck in a terror attack? There’s an app for that

January 30, 2017 10:38

ByNoga Topolsky, Noga Tarnopolsky tel aviv

1 min read

When an emergency strikes, the rush to get immediate help is overwhelming. 

But in a moment of shock, few have the presence of mind to fumble with a phone, remember the right number, the precise location or what medication a loved one took, and when.

For Israelis, the possibility of instant relief is closer than ever. The launch of a new app — My MDA — by Israel’s Magen David Adom means assistance is available at the touch of a button. The first thing you see when you open the app is a big red dot with the icon of a phone. Touch it, and you are in immediate visual contact with one of Israel’s nine emergency response centers.

Even if you cannot utter a word, a paramedic hears you, sees your condition, and, crucially, traces your location.