
Six thousand infiltrated Israel from Gaza on October 7

A new report has revealed double the number of people were involved in the attacks


Kibbutz Nirim in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip, following the attack on October 7, when 6,000 terrorists and looters are believed to have breached the border, according to a new investigation (Photo:Getty Images)

6,000 Gazans infiltrated Israel on October 7 – nearly double the original estimated figure - according to a new report.

The investigation, carried out by the Gaza Division and submitted to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi, was published on Saturday on the N12 news site.

The report identified 3,800 infiltrators as Nukhba terrorists, members of Hamas’ elite forces. A further 2,200 Gazans, including both terrorists and looters, were found to have participated in the raid.

From inside Gaza, 4,300 rockets were fired by around 1,000 terrorists, a far higher number than originally thought, according to the findings.

The report also revealed that twice the number of breaches were discovered in the border fence – 119 – as opposed to the previous estimate of 60.

Posting on X/Twitter, N12 journalist Omri Maniv wrote: “These numbers are simply inconceivable. They are double what we knew, and they further reveal the depth of the failure and the strength of Hamas’s raid.”

The IDF said, in response to the report, that “the operational investigation has not yet been concluded and continues in accordance with the situation assessment and operational constraints. Once it is completed, it will be presented to the public in full transparently.”

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