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Showdown looms as IDF plans Charedi call-up

August 30, 2012 14:31

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

1 min read

A first showdown between the IDF and the Charedi community is expected next week as the army plans to summon thousands of 17-year-olds for the first round of interviews before their induction into military service.

In the past, yeshivah students had their army call-up automatically deferred indefinitely, but following a Supreme Court ruling that the deferment system was unconstitutional and the failure of attempts to draft a new law, Charedi youths will get the same treatment as other Israeli youngsters.

The IDF Personnel Directorate is still undecided on how to deal with an influx of young, strictly-Orthodox men into its ranks.

It is unclear how the new conscripts will act, what orders their rabbis will issue and whether the government will succeed in cobbling together a new national service law in the near future.