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Sa’ar to re-enter Israel’s Netanyahu-led government

New Hope Party leader Gideon Sa’ar, former member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, announced decision to re-enter the government on Sunday

September 30, 2024 09:04
Likud's Gideon Saar in the Knesset this week
Likud's Gideon Saar in the Knesset


1 min read

New Hope Party leader Gideon Sa’ar will re-enter the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the two announced in a joint press statement on Sunday night.

Netanyahu said he had formed his war coalition on October 11 2023, in the aftermath of Hamas’s massacre in southern Israel to establish “a broad and stable government. I greatly appreciated it when Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa’ar joined the government and I regretted it when they left.

“For this reason, I appreciate it that Gideon Sa’ar acceded to my request and agreed to return to the government today. This move contributes to unity among us, and unity against our enemies.”

Sa’ar, who will join as a member of the Security Cabinet, noted his up-and-down ties with the premier, marked by periods in which the two maintained “a close and very good working relationship,” but also years of “political and personal rift”.