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Right-wing violence threat on the rise

January 7, 2010 14:37
Settlers demonstrate against the settlement freeze in Jerusalem

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

2 min read

Senior Israeli security officials are warning of a drastic increase in the number of right-wing extremists prepared to use violent means to stop any attempt to dismantle settlements.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s office confirmed this week that, in recent months, he has received “dozens” of death threats. The most recent letter, which arrived at his office on Tuesday, said: “If you are thinking of destroying the settlements in Judea and Samaria, you are wrong. I will murder you before that and if I don’t succeed, then after you are no longer a minister and you won’t have bodyguards. Be careful, I will harm you or your children.”

The letter was passed on to the General Security Service (Shin Bet).

The threats to Barak have increased over the last month, since the government’s decision to freeze building in West Bank settlements. Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen, whose officers have been enforcing the freeze, received threats as well.