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Reuters crop photos of bloodied Israeli soldiers

June 8, 2010 11:23
<b>May 31:</B> Anti-Israel activists and Israeli troops clash on a Gaza-bound flotilla.” <i>Read more <A href="">here<A></i>

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

The Reuters news agency has said it did not mean to edit out a dagger and a pool of blood from photographs of Israeli soldiers injured on the Gaza flotilla.

In one of the original images a pro-Palestinian activist is pictured pointing a knife next to a wounded Israeli soldier.

But when Reuters distributed it, the photograph had been cropped so that his assailant was not visible.
A second picture, showing a soldier being held down by an activist, had been edited to remove a pool of blood and a dagger from the scene.

The images, distributed by the Turkish media, had been released in full by the Associated Press but Reuters only did so after a blogger pointed out the unusual editing.