
Prosor warns UN over Hamas and Gaza rockets

The Israeli ambassador to the United Nations has launched an attempt to highlight the recent onslaught of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.

July 20, 2011 08:46
Ron Prosor

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

The former Israeli ambassador to Britain, now serving as his country's envoy to the United Nations, has launched an attempt to highlight the recent onslaught of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.

In a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Ron Prosor emphasised that the attacks were deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and represented "a serious danger to the population".

Some 18 Qassam rockets and mortar shells have exploded in southern Israel since the beginning of July and caused damage to buildings. Mr Prosor said Israel held Hamas fully responsible because it controlled the Gaza Strip and called on the UN and the international community to clearly condemn the terrorist group's behaviour.

He said the attacks were a clear violation of international law and should be taken as a sign that Hamas had not changed its ways.

"Hamas and its patrons…seek to escalate conflict in our region," he added.

Mr Prosor also pointed out that Israel would be forced to take "all necessary measures" to protect its citizens.

Another Qassam rocket was fired into the Negev on Tuesday evening.